
Munro Climate Change Leaders Fund Unit Prices

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As At Date NAV Price Entry Price Exit Price
12-03-2025 1.5343 1.5366 1.5320
11-03-2025 1.5062 1.5085 1.5039
10-03-2025 1.4900 1.4922 1.4878
07-03-2025 1.5347 1.5370 1.5324
06-03-2025 1.5190 1.5213 1.5167

The most recently available actual entry/exit prices are set on this site. If unit prices are not available for today, then the latest available prices will be displayed. Unit prices are usually calculated each business day and are not available for weekends and public holidays. The entry and exit prices you will receive if you were to apply for or redeem units in any of the funds may differ from that shown because the actual price will be calculated by reference to a different date. Your actual entry/exit price will be confirmed following any transactions on your units.

Unit prices are provided for information purposes only. They are not an offer or recommendation to you to buy or sell units in the funds, nor a solicitation for deposits or other business, whether directly or indirectly, in Australia or in any other jurisdiction. No Promise or warranty is made or given with respect to the performance of the Funds. No promise or warranty is given and no liability is accepted for any inaccuracy, error or omission in this information. The entry/exit prices shown above do not take into account any entry fees or exit fees that may be payable upon entry to or exit from the Funds, and are expressed in Australian dollars.